Looking Back Over 2018
It’s been a really successful first year at Bo Cook Landscape & Garden Design.
Having spent many years in a design partnership, I took the decision to set up my own design studio last year and actually haven’t had the time to look back!
We have designed a number of landscapes and gardens within our first full year of trading. These are at various stages of completion – some having been built, some currently being built, entering the planning process and out to quote. We have also undertaken a number of design and planting consultations for clients.
We have had some wonderful feedback, with clients really connecting with their new gardens. Hearing about how they are spending more time outside, experiencing the joy of watching the plants establish, and how much wildlife the gardens are now attracting is lovely for us at the studio.
Looking forward to next year we have designs ready to hit the drawing board as soon as the office opens again in January.
Streamside Garden Design in East Sussex
A contemporary pond and large swathes of naturalistic planting wrap around a feature lawn
Family Garden Design in Maidenhead which has connected the garden with the house and extended their same level living space.
I am also truly delighted to share with you that I am now a Registered Member of the Society of Garden Designers. I feel privileged to be joining some of the best designers in the country in being able to say that I am now an MSGD.
We have a refurbished office and are an expanding studio. I am delighted that Beth and Georgie have now joined Sophie and I to help keep the office moving forward and will enable it to grow more next year.
Sophie, Beth and myself, Bo, in the studio
Georgie keeping the ship tight
I had the opportunity to re-visit some of our gardens that have been built and planted. We love to stay in touch with our clients. In the New Year we are going to be launching our Annual Garden Checkup, where we offer a maintenance consultation service. This will allow clients to make confident decisions for their gardens, and also allow them to direct their gardeners.
Plants settling in a few months after planting for a planting plan in Brighton
Plants after 1 year of establishment for a garden design in East Sussex
Plants established for 2 seasons on an exposed site by the coast
Sophie and I have had the opportunity to attend a few industry events this year, all for the better good of the business. Futurescape and The Landscape Show are the largest and allow us to meet suppliers and discuss materials and instillation. Seminars are educational and ensure we keep up-to-date with garden design and landscape industry trends, issues, and important topics. Nursery Open Days give us the opportunity to see new plants that are being bred and link with local growers and plant suppliers.
Sophie and I were delighted to have been asked to take part in the professional development programme at The Landscape Show on 18th September this year, as part of the ‘Top Tips for Managing and Growing your New Garden Design Practice” panel.
We were on the panel with two other talented designers, Karen McClure and Rachel Reynolds.
The seminar was at capacity and was very well received by students and emerging designers.
I was also fortunate to feature in the Garden Design Journal twice this year, Prolandscaper and The Landscape Preview magazine. Plans are afoot for Sophie and I to set up a podcast next – watch this space.
If you have just stumbled across us at Bo Cook Landscape & Garden Design and would like to chat about your garden design project, please contact us. We will be happy to discuss your project.
Finally we’d all like to wish you a wonderful festive season and a fabulous 2019, from all of us at Bo Cook Landscape & Garden Design.